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Graminor AS develops new plant varieties for the agricultural and horticultural industry in Norway and the Nordic countries

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Forage crops




  • Wheat breeder for 30 years – Meet Jon Arne!
    We want to showcase the people who together make up Graminor – our great employees! Next up is wheat breeder Jon Arne Diseth, who has worked in wheat breeding for 30 years this year. We’ve asked him some questions to […]
  • Graminor prepares Norway for the future with Climate Futures.
    1st of October was the official start for the new research center Climate Futures. A center for research-based innovation with the goal of preparing several sectors for the coming climate changes. Among these sectors is the agricultural sector, and Graminor participates […]
  • LILJEROS – new high yielding Timothy variety developed for Nordic growing conditions
    Timothy is the most widely grown forage grass in Norway, and also the most important species in Graminor’s forage-grass breeding programme. It has good feed quality and palatability. Sales of timothy seed in Norway exceeded 1000 tons for the first […]

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💡 Den 11. desember skal adm.dir i Graminor, Kristin Børresen, holde et innlegg på Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources: Possibilities and Urgency i Malmö. 

Konferansen, som arrangeres av NordGen er en viktig arena for kunnskapsdeling om genressurser på tvers av landegrenser og næringer👏🏻

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💡 Den 11. desember skal adm.dir i Graminor, Kristin Børresen, holde et innlegg på Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources: Possibilities and Urgency i Malmö.

Konferansen, som arrangeres av NordGen er en viktig arena for kunnskapsdeling om genressurser på tvers av landegrenser og næringer👏🏻

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